Saturday, July 23, 2011


When faced down by a werewolf that used to be a friend or loved one, DO NOT count on them recognizing you and letting you go your own way.
Once turned, the beast mind takes over, driven by a blood lust not commonly found in beasts, with one exception.
Sharks enter into a feeding frenzy when confronted by other sharks and an abundance of injured and bleeding prey.
Scientists believe that, similar to the feeding frenzy, the brain of a werewolf generates a hormonal imbalance that sends the beast into a blood lust.
You cannot override this impulse and momentary recognition, if it happens at all, will certainly evaporate in seconds and you will be attacked and killed.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Safe During the Day???

It is widely believed that a man cannot turn into a werewolf during the day. Research proves this to be true to the best of our knowledge. There are no documented cases of turnings in the daylight hours, but keep your guard up during the twilight, this may be a gray area that holds danger.